Masterclass by Jason Ma, Chief Mentor of Next-Gen Leaders
Masterclass Introduction
The future of work already arrived, and change has been not only constant but also accelerating -- even before the arrival of our current global pandemic and economic crisis.
Worldwide, the growing impact of technological advances (especially AI and machine learning), digital transformation, globalization, intergenerational and demographic changes, the “gig economy,” and other ingredients has been raising companies’ productivity and profitability.
At the same time, some of these factors, mediocre EQ, social media, socioeconomic and sociopolitical turbulence, educational system issues, fake news, and other causes have been increasing stress, anxiety, fear, and intensifying competition. No doubt our current global crisis has added even more stress, pain, and uncertainties to companies, families, and individuals.
While many companies are relatively more conservative in hiring new employees during the currently extra-challenging times, the impact of losing key employees who perform well and who they have invested in developing can be very costly, if not devastating. In particular, Millennials and Gen Zers — both women and men — are not only digitally savvy, intellectual, and demanding but also stressed and anxious in their own ways.
To navigate effectively through the world's ever-changing, complex market and talent dynamics, CEOs, senior executives, and managers must rethink and enhance their leadership skills in dealing with their unprecedented workforce in stress. Linear career conformity and political correctness don’t seem to work well anymore. The strong will survive and the strongest will thrive.
Moving forward, "Leadership 3.0" is about honing both your own and your team’s outcome-focused and purposeful vision, mindset, soft and hard skills, strategies, and execution... with pragmatic emotional, social, and leadership intelligence ("3EQ").
A core secret to team success is your own mentorship quality — your own practical wisdom, compassion, and inspiration as you guide your teammates to strengthen team culture and dynamics, enhance individuals’ growth and contribution mindset and skill sets, enrich relationships, increase happiness, and deliver stronger organizational outcomes and ROI.
How ready are you to take on “Leadership 3.0”?
Allow Jason Ma — Chief Mentor of Next-Gen Leaders, Board/CEO Strategic Advisor, B20/G20 Future of Work and Education Taskforce Member, Acclaimed Author, Keynote Speaker, and Masterclass Leader — to inspire and enlighten you on the why’s, what’s, and some how’s.
Masterclass Outcomes
As participants, from corporate managers to CEOs, you will
Masterclass Ingredients
Jason cares most about delivering the greatest outcomes for an audience — always inspiring, enlightening, and captivating them. He plans carefully by listening attentively to the client event planning team and then optimizing the content and approach best suited for the audience.
During the event, Jason gives actionable takeaways and supports key points with pithy examples or case studies. After a short speech, Jason leads immersive, in-room exercises. He walks around the room “uncaged,” listening and responding to each person, interacting with the participants, and immersing and inspiring them in his powerful and energizing teachings towards their own transformation, if not transcendence.
Jason’s masterclass ranges from one (1) to four (4) hours, depending on the client, and includes one to all of the following topics – or another topic or combination of interconnected topics customized for the client audience.
The most successful people have had great mentors and coaches. Apple, Google, Facebook, and other highly successful companies wouldn't be as successful without the late great "Trillion Dollar Coach" Bill Campbell mentoring some of their top leaders.
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